In The Spotlight

Website disclaimer:

The copyright we hold is to the website name and any videos, pictures or other owned by this website. All other product is the property of the owner of that product. We only embed / post here to help support artists or YouTube channels of others. We make no money by posting others property on this website. The only money we make would be from product we directly create. At some point we may provide our Patreon account to generate funding, but right now, this website is not generating funds. If anyone has a problem with a posting of their video, contact us immediately and we will remove that video upon request with verification provided. We mean no harm or no intention of stealing, embedding is legal but some may not be happy with that action. We simply are organizing certain high quality videos into categories so that some may find them easier if they are located in one place. We constantly add new videos as we find them and would be genobondo favorites. Requests to post on this site is available upon request and complies with the sites rules and that of GoDaddy, the service provider. Further, there is the option on the video to view on YouTube, and by clicking on that button, the video will instantly take you to the video on YouTube for viewing.

genobondo management

can email us at or at with any requests or for information.

Website Disclaimer